Tarring Priory Bowls Club
Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1HQ
Established 1937


Priory Players selected to represent Sussex in 2023
v Berkshire BA 01/5/24

The Pullen Cup
SCB AREA 4 Vice Patrons
Fixtures and Results
Some Priory members subscribe to the SCB Vice Patrons Fund. This entitles them to put themselves forward for selection for SCBA Division 4 VP Matches. The VPs play friendlies as well as an Inter Divisional league competition - the Billingham League. They also contest the Pullen Cup KO annually with AREAS 1, 2 and 3.
In 2023 Ray Baker, Keith Brinsmead, Steve Davis, Nick Eager, John Fairs, and Alan Messer have made themselves available for VP matches. A further number of TP players have subscribed to the VPs but elected not to play.
If you want to play for the Div 4 VPs in 2024, make sure you let John Fairs know and he will pass your information on to John Whitfield the Division 4 controller.
Tarring Priory Players Selected for VP matches in 2023
Friendly Matches
John Fairs, Steve Davis, Ray Baker,
Keith Brinsmead, Nick Eager, Alan Messer
League and Cup Matches
Keith Brinsmead, John Fairs, Alan Messer
The AREA 4 VPs had won the Billingham League for 9 successive seasons but, 2021 was the year of Division 2, AREA 4 restored the natural order in 2022 by winning the league once more.
The AREA 4 team once again reached the final of the Pullen Cup in 2022 and lost by the narrowest of margins - just one shot overall. Alan Messer skipped a winning rink in the final.