Tarring Priory Bowls Club
Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1HQ
Established 1937


Your Rights to Privacy under GDPR
The General Data Protection Legislation has laid down rules for the collection, use and storage of individuals data. The privacy laws and the ability to opt in and out of information use and marketing by organisations are key to the legslation.
Tarring Priory has produced clear statements of policy and practice relating to 2 specific groups of individuals who make up the membership of our Club. The two groups are the Officers and Volunteers who are responsible for decision making and aiding the smooth passage of club affairs; and secondly and just as important our Club Members.
CCTV at Tarring Priory
CCTV has been installed at TPBC after a lengthy consultation with our local council officers and the TPBC Committee, The installation has been made to act as a deterrent and to protect members and visitors from anti social behaviour, it will also provide evidence to support action against those committing acts of vandalism to TPBC property and to the green and surrounds.
A CCTV policy has been approved by the club and a printable copy can be found by clicking on the link below,
Applications to see images created and stored by the CCTV can be made by contacting our Club Secretary. Click on his picture to email him. Applications for images will be completed within 40 days and will cost £10