Tarring Priory Bowls Club
Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1HQ
Established 1937
The 2021 Tipsters Challenge was won by
Butch Shakespeare
SCB and BE Comps 2021
September 2021
Presentation cheque for £650 gifted to Guildcare - the Ashdown Centre- by Tarring Priory B C
Lest we forget . . .
Pete Chiffins RIP
Whenever we play in the PC Cup we will remember Peter - PC of course is short for Peter Chiffins who sponsored the West Sussex Bowls League Cup and who has put in sufficient resources for it to continue for many years.
'Chiffo' has not been well in recent years and he bravely battled cancer right to the end. He passed away on the 28th August 2021.
As a bowler he was with Priory in the glory years of the '90's and with playing partner Rolphy won the Championship Pairs 3 times and once with Peter Halsey.
Peter was also a West Sussex Tourist and with Son in Law 'Clunky' managed to create numerous stories which go down in the annals of history.
'Chiffo' was one of the great characters of bowls and will be missed by all who he crossed paths with.
Vince Taylor RIP
Vince was a member of Tarring Priory and will be remembered by our oldest members for his contributions and enthusiasm for bowls. Vince was well known throughout Worthing as one of our sporting greats. In his twenties in the war years he played right wing for Arsenal before injury cut short his professional career at just 27. He did play football for Worthing FC after that and was also an excellent batsman and wicketkeeper for Broadwater CC.
He was ever a traditionalist and when Tarring Priory as a club decided to modernise with the introduction of coloured shirts - it was time for Vince to move on.
He continued to bowl indoors at WIBC in his whites and greys and was a regular weekender. Age and health finally caught up with him in his 94th year and we honour his memory here. RIP Vince Taylor.
Derek Hutchings RIP
We have to report the sad news that Derek Hutchings, one of our older members, has passed away on the 14th January 2021. He had been struggling with diabetes and its complications for some time. Unfortunately Derek caught the Covid-19 virus in the New Year to which he succumbed.
He first joined the club in May 2006 but Derek hasn't been on the green for several years now. When he played he was mainly involved in Spoons and Roll ups. When he stopped playing he continued to pay as a Full Playing Member right up to this season. Derek was true testament that our club is for everyone, regardless of aspiration and we thank him for that.
We send our sympathy to his family.
Reminders of Priory bowlers who passed away in 2020 can be found in the club archive pages.
Ray Roberts, Joe Peters
John Brinsmead RIP
Sadly we have to pay our respects to John. He of the ready quip and a love of the good beer. I leave it to Keith to give us a picture of his Dad.
'Sorry I cannot phone you individually and some will have heard the sad news already that my dear old dad has passed away after a fall and short stay in hospital.
He managed 94 mainly very happy years, kept his driving licence, could still enjoy the occasional Doombar and lived at home with little, not always well received! help. I will miss the old fellow.
Please raise a glass when you have the opportunity.