Tarring Priory Bowls Club
Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1HQ
Established 1937


2022 Playing Season
2022 was a nearly good year for Priory
We were runners up in the Stracey League and continued to grow the club


The 2022 Tipsters Challenge was won by
Chris Ide
SCB and BE Comps 2022

September 2022
Presentation cheque for £850 gifted to Guildcare - the Ashdown Centre- by Tarring Priory B C
Lest we forget . . .
John Upton RIP

John passed away on Tuesday 22nd November 2022
He came to bowls late in life and I think it was his dog walking route that got him into the sport. Priory was on his regular walking circuit and eventually he was cajoled into having a go - and after that along with 'little doggy' he joined the Tarring 'family'
John was on of our true roll up merchants and he loved to play in the Friday Spoons sessions run by David Light and Barry Parris. He loved it so much that he was persuaded to take over running the Spoons for a while after David and Barry had to give up.
John was a great guy and we miss both him and 'little doggy'
Rest in Peace John
David Kennard RIP
David passed away in November 2022.
He was a member at Tarring Priory during the summer months and in the winter played at Worthing Indoor Bowls Club.
David certainly had a good innings and was still playing good bowls into his 90's. David was a good club member and mainly played in Morning Roll Ups and Spoons Sessions.
Until it became a little too much, he also played in Evening Triples Sessions - his name lives on in our records as a winner of the MNT in 2010 and also as winner of the ' Spoons' in 2014
Rest in Peace David

Details of funeral arrangements will be posted here when announced
Tony Webb RIP
Tony Webb passed away on the last weekend in April
Tony came to bowls late but made lots of friends at Priory with his calm unassuming attitude to life.
Sadly cancer came to call and after a long struggle against the disease we lost a good friend.
Tony although new to the sport won himself a few trophies in his time with us and the picture shows him being presented with the JD Smith Singles Cup.
Rest in Peace Tony

Details of funeral arrangements will be posted here when announced
Ben Lal RIP

Sadly we have to write that Ben Lal passed away on Thursday 30th March 2022 in hospital
Ben was a member of our club for quite a few years - initially he joined for the bowling and was a keen 'Spooner'
In latter years his interest on the green waned but he still wanted to be part of the club , so he used to give up his time and even bring his family members down to the Pavilion to give the club premises some much needed TLC. All this without wishing for thanks or favour.
We thank you Ben Lal - Rest in Peace
Reminders of Priory bowlers who passed away in 2021 can be found in the club archive pages.
John Brinsmead, Peter Chiffins, Vince Taylor, Derek Hutchings