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Tarring Priory Bowls Club
Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1HQ
Established 1937


2015 Playing Season
Contact the webmaster for reports about the Tarring Priory A Team, B Team and Friendly Teams
as well as notes about individual and personal bowls achievements by Priory Members


We had a great finish to the 2015 season for the B team. The 'Bs' achieved second place in Division 3, only Pulborough with 2 points more, were ahead at the end. Joe Peters was an ever present for the B team and finished as top ranked player. Players in B team matches are awarded 2 RPs for each match won. Joe finished with 23 RP, 4 ahead of Ray Lister, John Hobbs, Derek Ridley and Wally Burrows. Top second team skip for the 2015 season was John Hobbs who won 9 of the matches he skipped.
2015 was a remarkable year in the 'Counties' for Priory. Stuart Shwartz flew the flag in individual comps to become Sussex Unbadged Singles Champion 2015. Keth Brinsmead and Emilio DiPietro reached the SEMI FINAL of the Pairs. David Fairs, John Schools, Stuart Shwartz and Roy Barclay also got to the QUARTER FINAL in the Fours. A Fantastic effort - brilliant work by the Priory boys! Check out the draws for 2016 on the SCB competition page.

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